Basics of Palette Knife Painting

                                                If the video doesn't appear,  click here.

The Basics of Palette Knife Painting lesson is the first of the series. If you are new to palette knife painting, 
then this is where you start! 
You can view a short video trailer of the lesson above. 

In the first of the series, the Basics of Palette Knife Painting, you will learn how to set up your studio and workspace, how to prepare the canvas, how to mix the basic colors to achieve multiple values, how to pick up the paint from the palette in a controlled manner, how to hold the knife and the angle at which to apply the paint to the canvas.  James will guide you on how to use the painting strokes to build your painting.

As a BONUS, when you order the Basics of Palette Knife 
video lesson, you also get the
Painting a Terra Cotta Flower Pot 

video lesson for FREE!

Basics of Palette Knife Painting

James Pratt Online Palette Knife Painting Academy